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Annie Advisor

Evaluation and quality assurance
Learning materials and educational technology
Teacher training and educational leadership

Annie is a proactive support bot that improves students' well-being and prevents dropouts. Annie checks in with students over WhatsApp or SMS and if they need help, directs them to the services and information they need. The included analytics and bot builder help schools make decisions and target their services.

Polar Partners

Educational travel and visits
Evaluation and quality assurance
Learning environments
Learning materials and educational technology
School concepts

Polar Partners accelerates the world’s transition to 21st century education  - one person, one school and one society at a time.

Polar Partners is a one stop shop for premium quality K-12 education with a proven business model. It helps clients in designing, setting up and developing schools based on Finnish education and 21st century skills ideology with its network of 2000+ Finnish pedagogical experts and partners. Polar Partners has over 20 years of experience in education development. Its first Finnish International School (FIS) was opened in Georgia in 2019, and currently more projects are on the way.



Learning environments

Isku designs and furnishes environments where learning and teaching is a shared joy. The complementary facility and furniture solutions – Focus, Share,Study & Join –are a source of inspiration, learning and creating something new. This is the concept of Isku Active Learning, providing the diverse solutions for creating functionally and pedagogically versatile learning and innovation environments.

Isku design is inspired by Finnish forests, pure raw materials and environmentally friendly manufacturing methods. All Isku products comply with the strictest quality and safety requirements.


Educational travel and visits
Teacher training and educational leadership

VisitEDUfinn Ltd. has a served more than 3000 clients since 2016, organizing inspiring school visits, study tours, educational events, professional development courses and job shadowing for education professionals. In all programs, the key element is observing teaching in Finnish schools with the possibility to discuss with Finnish teachers and principals about their daily work, teaching methods and challenges. In addition to education professionals, we offer pupils and students the possibility to attend Finnish classrooms and get an authentic learn like a Finn -experience.

Northern Skills Finland Education

Educational travel and visits
Learning environments

Northern Skills Finland Education Ltd provides great experiences inside and outside the classroom in the unique environment of Finnish Lapland under the northern lights. It specializes in designing memorable, all-inclusive educational packages for groups according to set requirements. Spend time at the local school, hang out with local students, get to know Finland's world-class educational system, gain hands-on experience and learn while taking part in fun and exciting educational tours.